Moab 2022

  Just some of my favorite pictures from our trip to Moab last month.  We went down to help Papaw pick up his trailer that had been lost by the storage site and subsequently reported stolen as a result.  It took some effort, but he was able to get a license plate for the trailer and get it road ready to come home.  
    We made a trip of it and he took us to his favorite sites and monuments in Arches National Park.  

This one ^^ might be my favorite.  Believe me or don't, but this was all lighting and camera.  I haven't done anything to these photos. 

Again, just amazing lighting and timing ^^

We found a toilet rock on the way up to Delicate Arches.

The following are pictures of Delicate Arches.  It was a 3 mile roundtrip hike to get to this feature.  Papaw said it would be "cake".  The lie detector determined that was indeed a big fat lie.  It was a hell of a hike and we took lots of breaks on the way up.  We made amazing time and finished after just over two hours.  It was an incredible view and I got some amazing shots.  Bruce thought for sure I would fall into the hole, but I'm an experienced klutz and I stayed safe.  It was an experience I am so glad we had, but I think that will be the only time we see it.  

Good thing I got some good shots.  There are no duplicates posted.  I take multiple shots at the same time and pick my favorite, but some just had more than one favorite shot :)

My favorite human next and the rest of the pictures from the weekend



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